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Important Notice


Warning: Unauthorized Gift Card Sales and Ensuring Your Safety

Updated as of  September 8 th , 2023

At Cards on Kiosk, we're all about making gift card transactions safe and easy. We want you to know about something important that affects our platform – the selling of unauthorized gift cards.

Basically, some people have been trying to sell stolen gift cards on our site. This is not okay. It's against our rules and values.

Buying these stolen cards is a problem too. Once you pay, these cards might not work anymore. This causes problems for us and our partners, and it's not fair to honest users like you.

We've also had some people try to threaten us to do bad things. We take these threats seriously and have made our platform more secure to protect you.

We really need your help to stop this. Please don't sell or buy unauthorized gift cards. It's not good for anyone.

Also, be careful when you read reviews online. Some might be fake and made up by people doing bad stuff. Trust reliable sources and do your own research before making decisions.

We promise to keep working hard to give you a safe and reliable place for gift card stuff. If you have questions, just ask our helpful support team. We're here for you.

Thanks for choosing Cards on Kiosk. Your trust matters a lot to us.

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